Thursday, June 26, 2008

Parents are desperate to find solutions for their kids

My son Jarrod is a graduate of FSU. He was always on the fast track and graduated in 3 years. My money ran out during his 2nd year and he said, "Don't worry Mom, I'll work it out." He did, but it cost him about $14,000. He has been accepted to Grad School at UCF. He is adamant that he needs to do this. He is working full time trying to pay off some of his large expense from undergrad.

It is very sad to see young people carrying such a large burden before they even get out into the world. I would love to just let my son go to school, but that is not a possibility. He had Bright
Futures in undergrad and it would be very helpful if that was available at the grad level.

Students like my son will not be able to continue pursuing their chosen fields of study with the rising costs of tuition as well as living expenses. By the time he finishes his loan burden could easily be between $70,000 and $100,000. I can't imagine starting out my career with that kind of a burden. How can we get out of this turmoil?

--Debbie Little, FL

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